ADVA Optical Networking(Network Functions Virtualization)
ADVA’s multi-award-winning Ensemble portfolio enables virtual network functions on open servers with automated activation. NFV is the critical building block to realizing a network that can deliver new services in an instant. With this technology, network operators can drive new business opportunities and dramatically reduce operation, administration and maintenance costs. The cornerstones of an NFV-centric network are automated configuration, intelligent programmability and secure encryption of data in motion. Our NFV technology is unique within the industry and can support a seamless evolution to an NFV-centric network.
NFV provides you with complete choice around hardware, software and management whilst enabling centralised management and automation without being locked into specific hardware or vendors, enabling you to:
- Introduce services faster
- Automate services provisioning and de-provisioning
- Scale on demand even to unpredictable traffic models whilst improving user experience
- Improve security
- Reduce costs
Network functions virtualisation (NFV)
is the concept of replacing dedicated network appliances — such as routers and firewalls — with software running on commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) servers. The aim of NFV is to transform the way communication service providers (CSPs) architect networks and deliver network services. Network operations are transformed as network function software is dynamically instantiated in various locations in the network as needed, without requiring the installation of new equipment.
Know how Morfit Group Consulting can advance your enterprise’s virtualization with NFV
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Melbourne VIC 3000
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